[Part 2][EN] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Command Injection

[Part 1] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Authentication Bypass
[Part 2] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Command Injection

We already saw how to bypass the authentication so in this post I want to focus in the compromise of the underlying system. In order to do this we have to understend how the router works internally and the management of the administration interface.

 Checking the filesystem we got in the previous post I found that everything is handled by just one cgi called setup.cgi:

# ls -l | grep cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     18 Jul 28 07:51 conf -> restore_config.cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      9 Jul 28 07:51 htpwd_recovery.cgi -> setup.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  59784 Apr  1 01:34 restore_config.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 613588 Apr  1 01:34 setup.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 277152 Apr  1 01:34 setupwizard.cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      9 Jul 28 07:51 upgrade_flash.cgi -> setup.cgi

One of the most common vulnerabilities we can see on SOHO routers are command injection through bad implemented functions, so my priority is to find where a command is executed to against the system and that allows me to control the input. For this I opened setup.cgi in IDA and search for keywords, in this case '/bin':

The ping command caught my attention as it meets both conditions. In this case the webpage that handles this is diag.htm which allows the user to perform different tests to validate the internet connectivity.

By opening diag.htm and reading the source code we find the first interesting thing. Input data is validated client side, so just changing return ping_ck() by return true or modifying the POST request we can send our crafted data.

As you can see above we tried to inject a command appending ';' to the IP address but the command never reaches the server. It's filtering it server side, so let's take a look at the cgi:

As you can see, it searches for a semicolon in the request and if exists the command is never executed...but..what happens here? It only filters the semicolon so if we replace it with '&&' we bypass the check and the command is successfuly executed...or it should...

If we run the command against the system we receive a 403 error but I noticed that setup.cgi gets a GET numeric parameter as follows...setup.cgi?id=0000000 So let's move again to IDA and search for 'id=' string:

First main() search for POST parameters and environment variables, if not found seek for GET parameters. In case it finds 'id' runs strtol() and if succeed extract the content of /tmp/SessionFile and compares against the id parameter where if doesn't match returns the 403 error.

 Finally we know that we need to sign the request with this parameter in order to run the command, so we use the auth bypass vulnerability from the previous post to access the web interface, scrap the source code to extract a valid sessionid before it changes, craft the injection and returns the response.

Here is a script to do this:

And finally we got the expected result in the response after running a 'pwd' command:

Unlike the previous vulnerability this only affects to two models JWNR2000v5 and JWNR2010v5.

In the following link you can find a PoC exploit:


[Part 1] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Authentication Bypass
[Part 2] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Command Injection

It has been a long time since my last update so today I want to show you two vulnerabilities found while reversing the firmware from a NETGEAR router. The exploitation of these two vulnerabilities provides the attacker full remote unauthenticated root access to the device if it has WAN administration enabled.

First things first, the content you are about to read is intended as educative content, do not hack random thing out there, don't be stupid. Ok, let's start with this. In this case I analyzed the firmware published on 05/11/2015 for the Netgear JWNR2010v5.

You can download the file here: http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/JNR1010V2/ N150_N300_FW_V1.1.0.31_1.0.1.zip

From the binwalk output we know that the arch is MIPS and there is a SquashFS filesystem at 0x160000 which we extract using dd:

DECIMAL         HEX             DESCRIPTION
60352           0xEBC0          U-Boot boot loader reference
131072          0x20000         uImage header, header size: 64 bytes, header CRC: 0x23F4018D, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:53 2013, image size: 1266253 bytes, Data Address: 0x80000000, Entry Point: 0x8000C2F0, data CRC: 0xE8A06868, OS: Linux, CPU: MIPS, image type: OS Kernel Image, compression type: lzma, image name: "Linux Kernel Image"
131136          0x20040         LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 33554432 bytes, uncompressed size: 4632092 bytes
1441792         0x160000        Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:lzma (non-standard type definition), size: 2376782 bytes,  1160 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:35 2013
4028341         0x3D77B5        End of Zip archive

# dd if=N300.bin bs=1 of=N300.squashfs skip=1441792
2752512+0 records in
2752512+0 records out
2752512 bytes (2.8 MB) copied, 2.73591 s, 1.0 MB/s

# file N300.squashfs
N300.squashfs: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, 2376782 bytes, 1160 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:35 2013

# ./unsquashfs_all.sh N300.squashfs
created 850 files
created 60 directories
created 144 symlinks
created 106 devices
created 0 fifos
File system sucessfully extracted!

I use to run a script that test every file in the webserver and returns the error code, so I did, and from this preliminary file access analysis I found that an unauthenticated user can access every static file located in the webroot which is interesting but not very useful, anyway reviewing the results of this test I found the tip of the iceberg. Every time I ran the script and reached one file the following files were available without authentication (Error 501 == 200):

501http:// [From this point every 401 error becomes a 501]

And even worse...when I ran the script again every file returned a 501 error, so by doing this I disabled the authentication for the router somehow and with this we reached the "IDA Time!". By analyzing the router behaviour we can see that the authentication is handled by the webserver binary, so we import it to IDA and search for our reference string ( BRS_netgear_success.html ) which returns an intermediate function between 'main' and other function that we called 'auth_req_check' because of a .htpasswd reference.

This intermediate function will be called 'url_handle' as we can see a clasic staircase pattern comparing the reveived URL with hardcoded strings using strstr() function and executing different actions. Now we identified and isolated the authentication and url handler functions, lets move to our suspicious string. As you can see in the following image if the url contains the string ( BRS_netgear_success.html ) it moves to an interesting piece of code which sets two variables in the nvram to 0 (need_not_login and start_in_blankstate)

With this in mind it's easy to understand what is this doing, wen we access BRS_netgear_success.html the router redirects to NETGEAR webpage just to check whether we have internet access or not, and allows the user to access the router without credentials just for change the administrative password...but...this should be only allowed the first time the router is connected which is not the case... Finally lets confirm our assumptions checking where the bypass is done. For this, we have to move to the 'auth_req_check' function that we named previously ( offset 00403858 if you want to check) and read from the beginning where the function checks the existence of the .httpasswd file. If yes, we find a reference to start_in_blankstate where it's compared to be different to 1 and if yes the login is bypassed:

With the we confirmed that if start_in_blanckstate is 0 the .htpasswd is disabled and we have free access to the admin panel of the router.

So in short, if we hit this URL http://[IP_ROUTER]:[PORT]/BRS_netgear_success.html the login for every page in the router is temporary disabled.

 I could confirm that the following models are vulnerable to this: NETGEAR_JNR1010v2, NETGEAR_JNR3000, NETGEAR_JWNR2000v5, NETGEAR_JWNR2010v5, NETGEAR_N300, NETGEAR_R3250, NETGEAR_WNR2020, NETGEAR_WNR614, NETGEAR_WNR618

 But this is only the beginning and we want to get unauthenticated root access to the router.

 In the following post I explain a vulnerability that affects just these two models (JWNR2010v5 and JWNR2000v5) that allows us to fully compromise the router and also you can find a PoC to test with your own router.

[Parte 2] Hacking NETGEAR JWNR2010v5 Router - Command Injection

Ya hemos visto como podemos acceder al router bypasseando la autenticación por completo por lo que en esta entrada quiero centrarme en el compromiso del sistema subyacente. Para esto tenemos que entender como funciona el router internamente y la gestión del interfaz de administración.

Revisando el sistema de archivos que descomprimimos en el anterior post nos encontramos con que casi toda la lógica es gestionada por un unico cgi llamado setup.cgi:

# ls -l | grep cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     18 Jul 28 07:51 conf -> restore_config.cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      9 Jul 28 07:51 htpwd_recovery.cgi -> setup.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  59784 Apr  1 01:34 restore_config.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 613588 Apr  1 01:34 setup.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 277152 Apr  1 01:34 setupwizard.cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      9 Jul 28 07:51 upgrade_flash.cgi -> setup.cgi

Una de las vulnerabilidades mas habituales es la inyección de comandos a traves de funciones mal controladas, por lo que mi prioridad es encontrar en que punto se ejecuta un comando contra el sistema donde nosotros tengamos control sobre el input. Para ello una vez abierto el cgi en IDA hago una búsqueda sobre palabras clave que pueden reportar el resultado deseado, por ejemplo el string '/bin' entre otros:

Como se puede ver en la imagen uno de los resultados mas interesantes es el comando ping que muchos routers utilizan en la página de diagnóstico para validar la conexión a internet y que en el caso concreto de este NETGEAR se encuentra en la página diag.htm, por lo que buscaremos como se realiza la llamada:

En la propia web nos encontramos el primero de los fallos. La integridad de los datos enviados por el usuario se realiza del lado del cliente por lo que simplemente sustituyendo return ping_ck() por return true o interceptando la petición POST podremos modificar los datos a nuestro antojo.

Como ya he dicho en mas de una ocasion uno de los aspectos en los que mas me gusta gastar mi tiempo es en la investigación de sistemas embebidos. Así que como ya hace mas de un año que no actualizo el blog, hoy os traigo el analisis de dos vulnerabilidades que afectan a un gran numero de dispositivos NETGEAR. La explotación de estas dos vulnerabilidades en conjunto llevan al compromiso total del router de manera remota si tienen el acceso WAN activado.

En este caso el firmware a analizar es la versión del modelo JWNR2010v5 publicado el 11/05/2015 y disponible para su descarga en el siguiente enlace http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/JNR1010V2/N150_N300_FW_V1.1.0.31_1.0.1.zip

A partir de la lectura de binwalk sabemos que el router tiene una arquitectura MIPS y que el sistema de archivos se encuentra en el offset 0x160000 por lo que lo extraemos usando dd:

DECIMAL         HEX             DESCRIPTION
60352           0xEBC0          U-Boot boot loader reference
131072          0x20000         uImage header, header size: 64 bytes, header CRC: 0x23F4018D, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:53 2013, image size: 1266253 bytes, Data Address: 0x80000000, Entry Point: 0x8000C2F0, data CRC: 0xE8A06868, OS: Linux, CPU: MIPS, image type: OS Kernel Image, compression type: lzma, image name: "Linux Kernel Image"
131136          0x20040         LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 33554432 bytes, uncompressed size: 4632092 bytes
1441792         0x160000        Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:lzma (non-standard type definition), size: 2376782 bytes,  1160 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:35 2013
4028341         0x3D77B5        End of Zip archive

# dd if=N300.bin bs=1 of=N300.squashfs skip=1441792
2752512+0 records in
2752512+0 records out
2752512 bytes (2.8 MB) copied, 2.73591 s, 1.0 MB/s

# file N300.squashfs
N300.squashfs: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, 2376782 bytes, 1160 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Thu Nov 21 21:18:35 2013

# ./unsquashfs_all.sh N300.squashfs
created 850 files
created 60 directories
created 144 symlinks
created 106 devices
created 0 fifos
File system sucessfully extracted!

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